Intelligent Finance


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Inspired savings from Intelligent Finance !

Intelligent Finance is a division of Bank of Scotland plc., part of Lloyds Banking Group. Intelligent Finance was set up at a time when many banks were exploring opportunities to utilise new technology to reduce the costs of providing financial services.

It quickly gained a significant market share in the mortgage and current account markets. Also Intelligent Finance offers quality services in the area of savings.

Intelligent Finance: Awards

The bank has won a number of awards including ’Best Large Organisation, in the National Business Awards of Scotland, ’5 Star Mortgage Provider’ by Financial Adviser and ’mortgage provider of the year’ by Bankhall while the site’s functionality came first in the ’ease of use’ for online credit cards in a survey conducted by Gomez.

Online bankBankOnline BankingAngleterreSavingsEnglandcash ISAIntelligent Finance

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